Healing Power of Forgiveness
At no stage in the journey of humankind the need of healing was felt so much as it is in today’s world. In the coming decades healing will be one of the most desired focus areas. In this article I intend to focus on the power of forgiveness at foundational level. Since hurt has become almost a constant in life, hence forgiveness can cure us from many self-inflicted sufferings and release us from the prison we have put ourselves in. We must realise that holding on to grudges and hurt for a longer period causes unimaginable damages to self and creates a mindset as if we never want to get healed.
The art of forgiveness may not sound easy but if you systematically follow few Principles of Healing under a divine healer, you can succeed in mastering the art of forgiveness.
- Willingness to learn forgiveness is the first step to open the doorways to love, health, happiness, and abundance. Many a times just to prove that we are deeply hurt, we say that “I won’t forgive him/her”. Please remember by not forgiving, something good is not going to happen. On the contrary the research confirms that by holding on to grudges and hurts, no one except your own emotional health is seriously impacted and it will never make any difference to the person or group who inflicted hurts.
A lady came to me with full of grudges on her father who had hurt her 20 years back. The father had expired 5 years ago, but she continued to hold on to the hurts. The deep scars made her burn from deep within and she spent most of her time in cursing her father. It never occurred to her that her feelings are never going to make any impact on the dead. During healing sessions when she the realisation dawned upon her and she learnt the art and science of forgiveness, she got completely healed from many deeply held traumas.
The path of forgiveness will release you from the self-imposed prison. It may not be an easy process for many, but it is worthwhile to go through it. Take your own time in learning. It can be one or two months or even a year. Once you have mastered then the rest of your life you will be freed from the unwanted miseries and trauma.
If you master the art of forgiveness, believe me, you will be blessed for lifetime. Talk about forgiveness to others a lot, as it will help you to remain with it and will help millions of people who are suffering by holding onto grudges. Forgiving is divine and is never done to condone wrong doings. It is purely done for own growth and healing. From foundational forgiveness, you can move on to achieve the highest level of forgiveness where you release people with blessings. This will take you through a great transformational journey. You will come out of every disease and trauma you are going through. By forgiving others you can free yourself from all major diseases of life.
The first requirement is to accept that you deserve a very happy life. Make the list of people who hurt you and you have hurt. This list will help you to understand that they are still occupying place in your subconscious or conscious mind. Go through this divine process under right healer and slowly forgiveness will become your innate nature to move ahead with ease and peace. Stay blessed and healed.