With the passage of time, I have realized that despite availability of abundance of facilities, the biggest challenge even the most affluent are facing is, maintaining sound mental health and happiness. This is where I thought of sharing my more than three decades of experience with the learned readers to help them to get some more insights in the direction of mental wellness & happiness. Attitude of Learning with an intent to take corrective action is becoming a real big challenge for many. If we decode the “Principles” based on which our brain functions, then reasons of our struggles and difficulties can be understood and we can then consciously safeguard our mental health.
After birth, with the passage of time the challenges increase exponentially based on the environment and other factors in which a child is growing. If we look at children, many could perform well till grade 8 or so and then they started struggling. Mental disorders like depression, anxiety, emotional breakdowns and many more, are increasing exponentially. Some are getting into serious mental disorders like OCD, schizophrenia, PTSD, Dissociative identity disorder etc. With every case I have handled, I am convinced that everyone can have an excellent growth just by following “Principles of mental well-being aligned with mother Nature”. During my deep interactions with 10000+ individuals, 143 top institutions I got enriched with various unscripted factors about mental well-being from highly passionate top executives and equally from humble professionals. They all expressed their honest confessions about their past experiences involving success and failures. Most enriching experience was listening to people who are currently leading highly stressful and sad life and are enduring sufferings. They had the courage to share honestly every bit of their experiences. It was a wonderful journey of insightful learning.
The first and most effective principle I practice is “Begin the day powerfully and prayerfully”. A clear mental picture filled with peace and prayers before we begin the day surely brings peace and happiness within self and others. Every family should begin the day prayerfully and powerfully. Abuses, complaints and blame games are triggering more and more distress in relationships, resulting in highly toxic negative elements creeping in families. Conscious approach to begin the day powerfully and prayerfully can transform our mindset from all types of negativities and prepare us to create a wonderful day ahead. I have come across thousands of families who begin the day with a hug, love and wishing each other good luck. They have inculcated this habit as a prayer in their life and has become very natural for them. The way we start our day has an impact on our entire day. Many times, it takes hours to gather ourselves and come out of the conflicts experienced in the family while leaving home for work. After our hectic day when we retire to bed, we must express love to each other in family, express gratitude to the higher self and all the important people in our life who helped us in making the day a beautiful one. This act makes brain feel greatly relieved and creates more reasons to be happy. The final thoughts with which we retire to bed work whole night in our Subconscious Mind. Positive thoughts improve mental health and negative thoughts cause hurt and damages. Reflecting on things which did not go as per our plans should be done atleast 3 hours before retiring to bed and not just before retiring to bed.
Making conscious choices are the key to sound mental health. While I am constantly working to help people redesign their life, I am happy to tell you that anyone can start at any stage of life to redesign life and lead a much better and fulfilling life.
I have seen two factors always playing key roles in healing and creating new life:
- Attitude of never giving up.
- Taking timely help.
Praying and working for success, happiness and mental wellbeing of one and all.