Vedanta Health Care, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India 410210            Phone Number: +91-9324507182

Addictions and failures in a student’s life

This important case will give us clarity on the power of people & the power of process.

A very senior professional from a reputed organisation once sought counselling for his son. On the scheduled date, he walked into my consulting room accompanied by his wife and son. I spent close to two hours in understanding the case of his Son through the narration of both the parents.

They explained everything about this boy right from his birth. The boy was almost perfect in every aspect. Only when he was in  8th standard he started slipping in his academic performance, sports and his behaviour started changing for worse. The primary reason in parent’s opinion was his addiction to Cell phone & exposure to social media. Like any other parents, they tried to control him by using all the methods known to them such as advising, requesting, admonishing, pleading, etc.

With passage of time the child became extremely aggressive and abusive. He became rebellious and the entire family environment became negative. No one was happy at home and parent’s mutual relations too began to come under cloud. The child was on a rapidly sliding path. There seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. The parents were hapless, frustrated, and desperate.

When the parents approached me, the boy was in 10th std. The deterioration which had started when he was in 8th std grew uglier when he was in 9th std. The frequency of warning letters from school and summons to parents to complain against him was only increasing. Like most of us, the parents requested their close relatives and friends to try and put some sense in their son. All their efforts would at best have a short-term impact and then his ugly behaviour would re-emerge.

The boy was physically growing stronger by day and had no fear or respect for his father. He would openly challenge the father. For him the mother was worse than a foot-mat. He would walk all over her without any affection or respect whatsoever.

When I spoke to the boy, he had his own version. He was a headstrong guy, a person who felt no need to change and in the first session he blamed his parents and teachers for his behaviour. My devoted my first session of more than 2 hours, in making relationship with him. By God’s grace an emotional connect happened and due to that he started opening up slowly. Within a short time, he began to take responsibility for his conduct and expressed his desire to become a better person.

The boy had following questions:

  1. Can I really come out of these deep-rooted addictions?
  2. Can I win over myself?
  3. Can I ever regain respect of my parents and teachers?
  4. Will I be able to lead a normal life and become successful?
  5. Finally, even after becoming a better person, will I revert to my old ways?

I took him through complete reprogramming at his deepest subconscious level. Every part of the emotional hurt and addiction was healed with empowering tools. All blames and guilts were cleared and he was empowered with inner healing tools for his daily use. While going through the process of healing the son, I took even parents through subconscious level healing. When the entire family progressed in the path of creating new paradigm, they started complimenting each other’s healing progress and started supporting each other.

I am so happy to tell you despite the challenges the son had at the beginning, he has overcome his phone/ social media addiction, anger and emotional insecurity. He was so happy with his transformation that he opted to go through complete Capacity Building Programme to make his vision come true. Within a short span of 7 months, he has improved his academic performance. The boy has committed to be a lifelong learner and to continue to invest in capacity building. 

Not only has peace and happiness returned to this household, but the parents find their own mutual relation has strengthened and matured to a hitherto unknown level.

I am convinced that healing at subconscious level is possible with some powerful, proven tools. It is also possible to live life at an optimum level. I believe every soul deserves to live life to its fullest and am committed to help anyone who is keen to do so.