Vedanta Health Care, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India 410210            Phone Number: +91-9324507182


As a trainer and a counsellor, I feel truly blessed and grateful that during my life’s journey, I could learn so much about human emotions. I was able to understand how human emotions can play a vital role in shaping up a person’s life!

Let me share a story of one of my patients and how human emotions played a huge role in that person’s life and its relevance across all age groups.

One day, a girl came to me for counselling. She was a 1st year student from a reputed college who was giving her last semester. She felt extremely low and was filled with hesitation and found it difficult to express her. As a psychologist I could read her body language and her state of mind. She was so emotionally choked that she was finding it difficult to start the conversation. People at her age, usually talk freely. Knowing her mindset, I gave her enough space and time to gather herself and when she got calm and comfortable with the environment and my presence, she started speaking…

She said, “Sir I do not know what to tell you and I don’t know whether I will be able to express myself fully or not, but something tells me that you are the right person to speak to!” She told me “I am feeling terrible, I am really not able to think with clarity, I am under stress, and I think I am depressed too”

I make it a point that, in all my counselling sessions I listen patiently to understand every spoken & implied word, every emotional clue I get, so that I can be of help to them. So, I told her, “Take your time, be rest assured, whatever we discuss shall remain 100% confidential no matter what, and that is something I follow strictly and believe in!”.

She started by saying, “I joined this college with lots of excitement and happiness as it was amongst the top colleges I wanted to join. I was so happy that I got an admission here. As the months passed by, I was looking to make more friends, I had in fact made few friends already, but I wanted to expand my circle of friends, so I started moving around and meeting new people. I do consider myself quite good at communication and my motto was that I should express myself and make an emotional connect.”

“Slowly I started feeling that people were looking at me differently and gave me stares and I could not realise why I was being looked at differently.”

“Once, while I was standing with a couple of my friends and a few other groups of boys, one of the boys asked me if I felt difficult moving around…I asked why I should feel difficult?” He said, “don’t you understand what I am trying to say?” I said, “I am not getting you, what are you saying?” So again, that boy said that here in college we call you “Manchester!”. I was not at immediately able to make any logical sense whatsoever of what he said as I was in my own world of feeling good, then he said few things more on how my body looks and what other students call me as.

I immediately walked out of that place. I was deeply hurt, upset, and angry too. I went to my room. I slept off and when I woke up, I felt better. The reality was that unfortunately, many of the girls used to taunt me as well. It was becoming increasingly difficult.

She said, suddenly, my memories of 9th standard came alive, similar thing had happened with me back then. In that age when most of my friends were developing well and had all feminine features, even that time a couple of boys came and teased me with bad comments. 9th standard for me was exceedingly difficult as I was growing up, I spoke to friends and they said some girls develop female features a little later, I somehow consoled myself and then I spoke to my mother too, she said don’t bother about it, it will all happen as they are natural things and will happen with time. She asked me to just focus on studies. I forgot about it as it was not too much at that age and stage.

In 10th standard I had a boyfriend and believe me sir three months we had good time, and I never realised what was happening, I was extremely happy! Then one day, we had a fight and my boyfriend told me that no guy can ever love you or remain with you as you have nothing in you, and he dumped me and went away.

It was such a seriously damaging moment for me, I literally felt so low that day. Absolutely nothing seemed ‘OK’ with me. I went home, I slept that day and I made excuses not to go to school. Then slowly I shared my feelings with my mother and few of my friends and believe me sir, seeing my condition, I was taken to a psychiatrist also. Finally, my mother helped in getting my focus back on studies. I somehow managed to do good in examinations, but honestly a part of me was always crying, I was always feeling incomplete, I was feeling sad and then time had to pass. I completed my 12th Std.

I did well and I got admission in this college and felt everything was finally falling in place and getting better in my life. Now sir, everything has again resurfaced in my mind, I was dumped and thrown by my own boyfriend despite, me being good looking, good natured, good in studies, good in communication etc. 

She continued…”The reality is that, since last month I am not going to college regularly, I am feeling like ending life/committing suicide. Sir, I do not feel like living I have no purpose and I know that in the future too the same thing will happen with me at various stages. I am broken, I do not understand anything, I am emotionally hurt!” She was crying profusely.

My dear friends, while listening to her story I was so emotionally moved that, tears rolled down my eyes too. I just told her empathetically “consider me as your Guru brother, a friend and partner in your healing process. I can assure you, not just a complete recovery from the layers of your emotional hurts, but I will make you so strong that you will be able to walk keeping your head up and move with a smile in your balance of life journey”.  I do not know whether she saw a brother, a father, a friend or a mentor in me…She thoughtfully said, “Sir I trust you; I want to give myself one last chance to see how the life behaves with me and how I can handle my own life.”

Friends, can you understand her pain? The amount of pain this young girl was going through and not only just the present pain, but the fact was, she had a huge life still uncharted, left in front of her. With a shattered emotional health, she would have found it almost daunting to continue life. She asked me process I will be using to help her. I explained her how healing at the cell level is designed and how 100% committed support from me will be provided.

Her Questions were:

  1. Can I really understand the philosophies of healing under my present mental conditions?
  2. How capacity building can help me.
  3. Are the concepts practical to apply in real life?
  4. Can they bring me out of my mental agonies and trauma?
  5. Will I be able to bounce back and lead a great life?
  6. Will my experiences and some realities stop haunting me?


I explained her everything and today, I thank God, that she went through the complete healing and capacity building process to clear everything, and I can tell you friends, with pride and happiness that today she is leading a great life. Whenever I think of her, I feel blessed and I thank God.

After few years she came and told me that the deep healing and capacity building is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for her life, and this has not just cleared past traumas but also has made her bullet proof. She said, “No matter what comes in my life in future, nothing can impact me, I am totally a different person now and now I am smiling 24 hrs.; I am enjoying myself and I have got more meaningful friends. I am walking with a powerful shield and a totally open mind.”

Believe me friends, my happiness multiplied when on the day when her parents called me and said, sir we knew about you, and we had attended couple of your programs in school. We were the people who recommended our daughter to meet you. Sir we are so blessed, and we are so grateful to you. We can see her new life and now she is telling that even as parents we must go through the entire healing & capacity building process to lead an empowering life.  Our daughter said that every domain of her life is filled with new vision and now she says she is not only eagerly looking for opportunities but also, she is attracting opportunities. So much she has learnt during healing ad capacity building that she is now feeling empowered to deal with all challenges and to embrace right opportunities.

My dear friends it is easier to tell anyone going through emotional difficulties, that forget about these things, these things do happen in life, do not worry about these things, move on etc., etc., but it hardly helps a person. All such talks have a very temporary/ superficial impact on a person. The person may feel relieved for the time being but trust me friends, it catches up faster than anybody can think of. 

I have supported many such people to resurface from the rock bottom of their life and trust me the systematic healing at deepest emotional level works on all aspects of hurt and it not only heals but also emotionally empowers a person to take all challenges head on.

I have seen after getting fully healed with the support of powerful tools, they are not only able to move on to attract opportunities but are also able to create opportunities and walk a life of own choice with renewed self-respect.

I am so happy that not only this girl, but hundreds like her have rediscovered self-esteem and are able to lead a life on own terms and not allowing anyone to treat them like a doormat.

I have created many effective Mind Power tools which work at the root cause of emotional distress and heal. The capacity building prepares a person to embrace new life with great clarity, happiness, confidence, and focus!